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Asked by: Bolivar Schniederjohann
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingCan a car fuse be bad but not blown?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you know if a car fuse is blown?
With the car completely off, locate the fuse in question and remove it by grabbing it firmly with the fuse puller stored in the fuse box, or with a pair of needle nose pliers. Step 2: Inspect the fuse. Hold the fuse up to the light and check the metal wire for signs of damage or a break.
Correspondingly, can a car fuse work intermittently?
INTERMITTENTS AND BLOWN FUSES If an intermittent causes a fuse to fail, replacing the fuse won't fix the problem. A new fuse may restore power temporarily but, unless the underlying cause of the circuit overload is found and corrected, the fuse won't last and will likely blow again.
If one of these features stops working - it's likely due to a blown fuse. Car fuses typically cost about a $1 at any neighborhood auto parts store. Use these tips to replace a car fuse on your own.