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Asked by: Dios Calado
personal finance student loansCan a collection agency call your cell phone?
Simply so, can a collection agency call your work?
It's illegal for a debt collector to come toyour workplace to collect payment. They may, however,call you at work, though they can't reveal toyour co-workers that they are debt collectors. Tostop these calls, ask the debt collector not tocontact you at work. They must stop, according to thelaw.
- A Debt Collector Can Report to the Credit Bureaus. One of themost common actions that a debt collector may take when you fail topay is to report your collection account to the three major creditbureaus.
- A Debt Collector Can Call and Write You.
- A Debt Collector Can Sue You… and Maybe More.
Beside this, is it legal for a collection agency to call family members?
It's not against the law for debt collectors tocontact your family members. The Fair Debt CollectionPractices Act. Debt collectors can only contact your familyto locate you, not to collect money for your debt, andthey're generally only allowed to contact a persononce.
Each statehas a law referred to as a “statute of limitations,”which spells out the time period during which creditors orcollectors may sue borrowers to collect debts. In moststates, they run between 4-6 years after the last payment was madeon the debt.