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Also asked, can dogs eat crackers?
In small amounts, crackers are not dangerousforyour dog. However, when eaten excessively,crackerscan cause stomach problems in canines. Human food issafe togive to dogs in small amounts and only on occasion.Makesure not to create a habit out of feeding crackers toyourpet.
can dogs eat export soda crackers?
Theanswerwill not surprise you: whereas your dog won'tgo deadafter gulping a few crackers, it's not advisable togivethis snack to your pup regularly. Their nutritional valueismeager. But those are high in calories, nasty preservatives,salt,and fat.
Goldfish crackers are not the safest orhealthiesttreat for your pet dog. Now, “less than2%” isnot a large amount, but as previous posts disclose,onion and garlicare both toxic for your dog. Chances are,if your preciouspooch consumes a few Goldfish by accident,they willtolerate the crackers justfine.