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Besides, can cell turn into a great ape?
Great Ape Cell is a transformation of a GreatApe, that Cell is able to take due to the fact he ismade up with all Saiyan cells.
Thereof, can Goku turn into a great ape?
In the Arabic dub of the series, Saiyans "summon" theirGreat Apes instead of transforming into them. WhenGoku transforms into a Great Ape in the 1997 Dr.Slump remake, Goku is briefly seen as a Super Saiyan /Great Ape hybrid during the transformation.
This is new information. The first super saiyanwas Yamoshi. Akira Toriyama gave an interview recently and hestated the first super saiyan and the first supersaiyan god was a saiyan named Yamoshi. Original SuperSaiyan was originally thought to be a legend, until Gokufirst transformed during his fight with Frieza.