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Asked by: Xuhong Arolas
events and attractions outdoor activitiesCan a Greenhouse be profitable?
Regarding this, what is the most profitable thing to grow in a greenhouse?
Tomatoes. The most common greenhouse crop,tomatoes can also be quite prolific and, thus,profitable.
Correspondingly, how much money does a greenhouse make?
For the Serious Grower The average cost for a greenhouse structure(except for kits) is about $25.00 per square foot. These largegreenhouses are 500 to 1,000 squarefeet.
Overview of the Aquaponics Farms A 2014 study from Johns Hopkins University surveyed 257commercial aquaponics growers located in the US. Thecommercial aquaponics operation was not the primary sourceof income for 70% of owners. Not a single farm was able tomake fish production profitable.