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Asked by: Archie Kuyper
home and garden home appliancesCan a hair dryer be used for heat shrink tubing?
Use a hairdryer
You can use a normal hairdryer as ifitwas a heat gun to activate your heat shrink. Holdthehair dryer as close as possible to the heatshrinkand crack it up to its hottest setting. Make sure youheatthe tubing evenly until it contracts to yourdesiredsize.
Considering this, what is the best way to heat shrink tubing?
- Step 1 How to Use Heat Shrink Tubing.
- Measure a length of heat shrink tubing that is slightlylongerthan the damaged section of wire.
- Use a pair of scissors to cut the tubing to theappropriatelength.
- Slide the tubing onto the wire so that it coversthedamaged/exposed section.
- Use a heat gun to shrink the tubing.
Just so, what do you use heat shrink tubing for?
Heat-shrink tubing (or, commonly,heatshrink or heatshrink) is a shrinkableplastictube used to insulate wires, providing abrasionresistanceand environmental protection for stranded and solidwireconductors, connections, joints and terminals inelectricalwork.
Alternatives are a hair or blow dryer, a householdiron;blow torch that's generally used by plumbers or heattape,to name a few. It really depends on the need. Your need istorelease the adhesive on your mobile phone. A hair dryer willworkbut only apply heat a few seconds at atime.