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Asked by: Sainza Mongay
home and garden indoor environmental qualityCan a homeowner remove asbestos siding?
Accordingly, do you need a permit to remove asbestos siding?
If you're the homeowner, asbestos siding removal is permitted in most states without any special licensing or training or permits, if you handle the task yourself. If you hire a professional, though, they must be licensed to handle asbestos abatement.
In this manner, is asbestos siding on a house dangerous?
Asbestos siding can be very dangerous if handled improperly. Asbestos is only dangerous when cut, sawn, or broken into small enough pieces so that asbestos fibers are sent into the air. If asbestos remains intact in siding, insulation, popcorn ceilings, or other materials it poses no risk and is not dangerous.
Use a flat pry bar to remove the asbestos siding or roofing material, starting from the top. Keep the asbestos material that has been removed wet. Put the asbestos siding or roofing material in sealed plastic bags, and dispose of it properly at a landfill designed to handle hazardous waste.