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Asked by: Niko Kinkelin
news and politics lawCan a judge change a sentence after it has been imposed?
Thereof, can a judge change his mind after a ruling?
An attorney can always ask a judgetoreconsider a ruling on an objection, motion or sentence.Ajudge typically cannot reverse a verdict given attheconclusion of a trial but can grant amotion for anew trial in certain cases.
Beside above, what does motion to modify sentence mean?
A motion to modify sentence is filedaftersentencing within 90 days of the guilty finding. It askthecourt to modify the sentence to lightenthesentence.
If you appeal the sentence and win,thereis a presumption that the judge cannot sentence you tomoretime on a re-sentencing and if he does, even if thegreaterre-sentence is legal, the People have to show thatthe courtincreased the sentence based on newaggravating factsthat were not before the court on thefirst