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Asked by: Sherley Brunnemann
real estate real estate renting and leasingCan a landlord make you get rid of your dog?
Similarly, can I get evicted for having a dog?
Landlords cannot collect a pet deposit or chargeapet fee to persons with a service animal (since they arenottechnically considered pets). Landlords canwritewarnings or even evict a tenant with an assistanceanimal isdisturbing others, posing a threat to others orcausingconsiderable damage to the property.
Keeping this in consideration, how do I get my landlord to allow pets?
However, if your landlord is a private owner, you maybeable to convince him or her to let you bring your catordog.
- Prove Yourself First.
- Have Vet References.
- Provide References From Your Previous Landlord.
- Create a Pet Resume.
- Set Up a Meeting With Your Pet.
- Put an ID Tag on Your Pet.
- Be Prepared to Pay.
A landlord has an duty to all tenants toquietlyenjoy their property. By having dogs that barkforlonger than an acceptable period of time, youareessentially breaching the lease and the landlord'sremedymay be to evict you.