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Asked by: Bebe Mihalitsin
real estate real estate renting and leasingCan a landlord say no pets?
Regarding this, is it legal for landlords to say no pets?
A landlord is allowed to ask if youhavepets when you move in. They are also allowed to denyyourrental application because you have pets. But, afteryoumove in, your landlord cannot evict you just for havingapet, even if your rental agreement hasa"no-pets" clause.
Also to know is, can you be evicted for having pets?
Whether dog, cat or otherwise, pets are familytomost who have one. But can you get evicted forhavinga pet? The short answer is yes.
First, you should know that Ontario'sResidentialTenancies Act does not permit landlords toinclude“no pet” clauses in rental agreements.Second, alandlord can refuse to rent to a person who hasapet. It's unfortunate, but true. The protections providedtopet guardians apply only to tenants.