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Asked by: Ane Wane
careers vocational trainingCan a medical lab technician become a technologist?
Also asked, how many years does it take to become a medical technologist?
The time-frame for completing a medical technology programdepends on your status as a full-time or part-time student and thespecific degree that you want to pursue. Most full-timeundergraduate students finish the requirements for their bachelor'sdegrees in about four years.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what degree do you need to be a medical lab technologist?
To become a medical technologist, one needs tohave a bachelor's degree in medical laboratorytechnology or life sciences. Medical technicians willneed earn either an associate's degree or apostsecondary certificate. The degree should also be inscience and lab-related programs.
The main difference between technologists andtechnicians is the length of their schooling.Technologists usually must have a bachelor's degree inlaboratory science while technicians are usually onlyrequired to have an associate degree. State licensure fortechnologists often involves passing a writtenexam.