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Asked by: Abdelmoghit Chafino
technology and computing computer networkingCan a modem have a built in router?
Just so, can a modem be used as a router?
You can use any wireless router you want,but the modem you purchase has to be approved by your ISP tofunction with their network. In a sense, you can think ofyour router as a device that's part of your home network andthe modem as a device that's part of your ISP'snetwork.
Similarly, do I need a WiFi router if I have a WiFi modem?
To establish WiFi in your home, all youneed is either a modem connected to a wirelessrouter, or a wireless gateway, which is a modemand wireless router in one unit (see What is aWireless Gateway? for more information). AWiFi-capable device can then use this signal to connect tothe Internet.
Getting a separate router and modem givesyou a lot of flexibility because if you want to upgrade your homenetwork to have faster speed or more features, you just needto replace the router. What's more, most routers onthe market have more settings and features than therouter part of a combo device.