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Also know, is pathological lying a mental disorder?
Pathological lying is not a formal diagnosis,buta doctor or therapist may recognize the behavior as a signofanother underlying condition, such as a personalitydisorderor factitious disorder. Thesedisorders includeoverlapping symptoms, includingcompulsivelying.
People also ask, can you fail a polygraph by being nervous?
Lying may be accompanied by feelings of guilt andstressexhibited by physiological symptoms detectable byapolygraph test. An honest person may be nervouswhentelling the truth and a liar may not have feelings of stressoranxiety. So it's very difficult to know the truth.
A pathological liar is someone wholiescompulsively. Some evidence from 2007 suggests thatissuesaffecting the central nervous system may predispose someonetopathological lying. Compulsive lying is also aknowntrait of some personality disorders, such as antisocialpersonalitydisorder.