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Asked by: Lelia Benecke
technology and computing cameras and camcordersCan a plasma TV burn out?
Also question is, how long does it take for a plasma TV to burn?
Just as with any TV technology, display lifespancan also be affected by environmental variables, such as heat,humidity, etc.. However, in most cases, a Plasma TV canprovide many years of satisfying viewing. Keep in mind thata CRT TV loses about 30% of its brightness after about20,000 hours.
Beside this, how do I know if my plasma TV is bad?
Several common symptoms that could indicate to the viewerthat the Plasma TV is beginning to fail include:
- A vertical or horizontal line can appear and remain on thescreen.
- Ghostly images or a greyish effect that appears somewhere onthe screen and either disappears after a while or never goesaway.
Since that time, shipments of plasma TVs havedeclined substantially. In late 2013, Panasonic announced that theywould stop producing plasma TVs from March 2014 onwards. In2014, LG and Samsung discontinued plasma TV production aswell, effectively killing the technology, probably because oflowering demand.