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Asked by: Honoria Escoin
science biological sciencesCan a radiologic technologist become a radiologist?
Then, can you go from radiology tech to radiologist?
There are two pathways to become acertifiedRadiologist or Radiology Technician.Oneinvolves medical school; the other doesnot.Radiologist: To become a radiologist, youmustfirst become a physician. Obtain your medical degree, andthencomplete a four-year residency inradiology.
Also to know is, how long does it take to become a radiologist technician?
Types of Degree and Certificate Options There are three options for your radiologystudy.You can get a certificate, which takes about oneyear. Or youcan get an Associate's degree in two years or aBachelor's degree infour years.
As of 2016, the national average annual salaryforradiologic technologists was $59,260. Thehighest-earning10% made over $82,590, while the lowest-earning made$38,660 orless.