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Asked by: Samiha Soumare
home and garden indoor environmental qualityCan a radon fan be installed in a basement?
Consequently, how do you install a radon mitigation system in a basement?
How to Install a Radon Mitigation System in a New Home
- Test the sub-slab communication.
- Seal cracks in the foundation walls and floor.
- Install a vertical PVC pipe, running from beneath the slab and extending through an exit point above the roof line.
- Install a manometer.
- Cut the pipe in the attic and install the fan.
- Check the system.
Consequently, can a radon fan be installed horizontally?
Radon Fans Have to be Mounted Vertically. Piping on the outside also needs to be vertical on a Radon system. A foot or two or horizontal piping is OK if really needed, but for the most part, it should go vertically up the side of the home.
The radon fans are guaranteed by manufacturers for 3 – 5 years. Their replacement cost, including installation, is usually $300 to $600. Homeowners are aware that the fan must run continuously 24/7, year after year. The typical estimate of the electricity cost is $150 per year.