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Asked by: Lian Aramberri
technology and computing programming languagesCan a Raspberry Pi play music?
The Raspberry Pi as aMediaPlayer
Not only can you use a Raspberry Pi asaKodi media center, a Raspberry Pi can alsoplaymusic. Thanks to the audio out port (see below), youcanpipe music through to a dedicated speaker orsimpleheadphones.
Just so, how do I get audio output from my Raspberry Pi?
The Raspberry Pi supports both audio outputovereither HDMI (default) or the 3.5mm audio jack(headphonejack).
To change the output mode, follow these steps:
- Navigate to your screen.
- Select "Manage Screen".
- Select "Advanced".
- Set "Audio Output" to "3.5mm jack".
- Press "Save".
Likewise, people ask, how do I play Spotify on my Raspberry Pi?
How to listen to Spotify on the Raspberry Pi
- Step 1: Install Raspbian.
- Step 2: Open Chromium and add the extension“User-AgentSwitcher for Chrome”
- Step 3: Pretend to be using Internet Explorer 10.
- Step 4: Listen to Spotify through your headphone jack orHDMIconnection.
Turn on your speaker and make sure itisdiscoverable and not connected to any other device youhave.Then click the Bluetooth icon in the top toolbar oftheRaspberry Pi graphical user interface (I connectviaVNC). Select to Add Device then select the speaker fromthelist of found devices then press pair.