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Asked by: Itamar Azañon
business and finance executive leadership and managementCan a small company have a CEO?
Thereof, what does a CEO of a small company do?
A chief executive officer (CEO) is thehighest-ranking executive in a company, whose primaryresponsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managingthe overall operations and resources of a company, acting asthe main point of communication between the board of directors (theboard) and corporate
Simply so, how much does a CEO of a small company make?
For those companies that are small tomedium in size, the average CEO can expect to earn asix-figure salary in the low 200s. In fact, the nationwideaverage CEO pay for mid-sized companies is currently$210,000 per year.
Co-president and CFO Safra Catz andco-president Mark Hurd will share the role ofCEO. Oracle isn't the first major company to tap morethan one CEO at the same time. Chipotle, Whole Foods, andDeutsche Bank are also run by two CEOs. Samsung even hasthree of them.