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Asked by: Liseth O'Neill
business and finance bankruptcyCan a sole executor be a sole beneficiary?
Also to know is, can a sole beneficiary be an executor of a will?
Yes, an Executor of a Will can also be aBeneficiary. In fact, it is very common for anExecutor to be a Beneficiary. Most usually, husbandsand wives appoint one another as their sole Executor andBeneficiary. Circumstances may arise, however, which make itbest not to appoint an Executor who is also aBeneficiary.
People also ask, what is a sole executor of will?
The terms "sole heir" and "executor" arecommonly used in estate planning and probate law. The soleheir of a deceased person's estate stands to inherit the whole ofthe estate; the executor is a person designated in a lastwill and testament to settle a deceased person'sestate.
This person is referred to as a personalrepresentative or executor. Since family members are often themost trusted people in the testator's life, one or more of them arefrequently named as personal representatives even thoughthey may also be devisees, or beneficiaries, under hiswill.