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Asked by: Boubaker Endresz
hobbies and interests beadworkCan a spark plug break bullet proof glass?
Furthermore, can a spark plug break any glass?
A: Yes, a spark plug thrown at a car windowwill break it. So will a rock, a good-size ballbearing or a ball-peen hammer. The side widows are made oftempered glass that, while strong, can bebroken with a strong blow. The glass will thenshatter into cubes instead of shards so you are less likely to beseriously cut.
Then, why does a piece of spark plug break glass?
When thrown with moderate speed at a side-window, asharp shard of the exceptionally hard aluminium oxide ceramic usedin spark plugs focuses the impact energy into a small enougharea without blunting to initiate cracking, releasing the internalenergy and shattering the glass.
Newer, stronger kinds of bulletproof glass use asandwich of glass and plastic made of acrylic glass,ionoplast polymers (such as SentryGlas®), ethylene vinylacetate, or polycarbonate, with the thick glass and plasticlayers separated by thinner films of various plastics, such as PVBor polyurethane.