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Asked by: Mohammadine Thamry
home and garden interior decoratingCan a striped carpet on curved stairs?
Similarly, you may ask, how do you bend carpet on stairs?
Install your carpet from the bottom up as well. Place one end of the carpet against the corner formed by the floor and the first riser. Drive staples, one every 3 inches across the bottom edge of the carpet to fasten it in place. Pull the carpet upward and attach it to the tackless strip at the back of the tread.
In this manner, is striped carpet fashionable?
Striped carpets are very popular and also very versatile. They stand out with their simplicity and classical beauty. But there's more than one way in which you can make a striped carpet look beautiful in a room.
How to fit stair runners when you have winding stairs .
- Cut a piece for each winding stair. Using the remaining balance of the runner, cut a piece for each winding stair.
- Position each piece of the winding stairs. Position your three segments of carpet runner on the stairs as you would like them .