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Asked by: Mrabih Upfield
hobbies and interests jewelry makingCan a titanium ring be cut off in an emergency?
Then, what ring Cannot be cut off?
While tungsten rings cannot be cut off, theycanbe safely removed in case of an emergency. The most commonmethodof removing tungsten rings from your finger is byusing apair of vice grips.
Additionally, can a platinum ring be cut off in an emergency?
To cut a Platinum ring off we recommendahigh quality, high-speed steel blade. We do not recommend usingtheDiamond Blade Ring Cutter for Platinum, Gold,Silveror any other soft metal rings.
Titanium wedding rings have the durabilityandstrength to stand-up to lifelong wear and tear. Lastbutdefinitely not least, titanium wedding bands arecraftedwith a low-environmental-impact metal. Now for the cons.Becausetitanium rings are so strong, resizing and repairingtherings can be expensive.