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Consequently, do trees have feelings?
Trees Have Feelings, Make Friends And Look After Each Other Like An Old Couple, Study Finds. “They can feel pain, [and] have emotions, such as fear. Trees like to stand close together and cuddle. “There is in fact friendship among trees,” says Wohlleben.
Also to know is, can plants feel emotions?
A plant sees, feels, breathes and reasons with its entire body. We see with our eyes, hear with our ears and reason with our brains." Yes, plants are able to feel vibration, heat, cold, moisture,drought, and touch. They do not feel pain or emotion.
We recognize them as marvelous beings. On the other hand, nobody thinks about the inner life of trees, the feelings of these wonderful living beings. e360: Plants are not generally thought to possess consciousness. Plants process information just as animals do, but for the most part they do this much more slowly.