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Asked by: Nicuta Themel
technology and computing antivirus softwareCan a virus get out of a virtual machine?
Similarly, it is asked, is it safe to install viruses on a virtual machine?
Majority of malware (including viruses) do notseparate between running in virtual machine or not. Thismight be done (there were vulnerabilities in some VM devicedrivers), but it is quite a long shot. Summary: It is safeif you know possible infection points, but you should notthink that you are 100% safe.
In this way, can a virtual machine be hacked?
Each VM gets to use a chunk of your computer'smemory while it's running and has its own virtual harddrive, which is just a file on your real hard drive. You caninstall operating systems in them and you can install andrun software in them. If a guest VM gets hacked, yourhost remains safe.
The short answer is that viruses do live inRAM, but not permanently. With all that aside:viruses do live in RAM, but only when avirus-infected program is loaded into memory (from aninfected file stored on your hard drive, for example) -- but thevirus will cease to exist inside the RAM when youpower off your PC.