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In this regard, how is AC current generated?
An alternating current is produced by anelectricgenerator. As the wire rotates in the magnetic field, thechangingstrength of the magnetic field through the wire produces aforcewhich drives the electric charges around the wire. Theforceinitially generates an electric current inonedirection along the wire.
Thereof, why can transformers only use AC?
Why Transformers Only Works WithAlternatingCurrent The main coil is linked to an ACsupply.The altering current generates a changing magnetic field.Thismakes an alternating voltage in the minor coil. This makesanAC in the circuit associated to thesecondarycoil.
AC is (otherwise) preferred because it isfareasier to convert to a different voltage using a transformer.Thereason why AC is primarily used for longdistancetransmission is due to the fact that it is very easy toincreasethe voltage of AC with a transformer.