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Asked by: Odis Grunhaupt
food and drink food allergiesCan an allergic reaction look like bug bites?
Consequently, how do I know if I have hives or bug bites?
Hives is a rash of smooth, raised, pink or reddish bumps of different sizes, called wheals. Hives appear suddenly. The wheals look somewhat like mosquito bites. They may cover all or part of the body and are usually very itchy.
In respect to this, what do allergic reaction bumps look like?
Hives (also known as urticaria) are raised itchy bumps. Typically hives appear reddish, and will “blanch” (or turn white) in the center when pressed. If you have red itchy bumps on your skin, especially at the site of contact with some potential irritant or allergen, you may be experiencing contact dermatitis.
Allergic reactions to insect venom cause the skin around the bite or sting to become very swollen. The milder reactions include hives (a raised skin rash – also known as nettle rash), itching all over the body, dizziness, stomach and bowel problems, and nausea.