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Asked by: Arash Vormstein
business and finance human resourcesCan an employer sue an employee for stealing?
Subsequently, one may also ask, can a company sue an employee for theft?
Suing an Employee for Negligence Employees cannot be sued for simple negligence,but an employee can be sued for damages paid to a thirdparty if she acted with gross negligence. An employer may also beable to sue in limited cases where the employee was a1). "skilled worker" who 2).
Similarly, can employer recover losses from employee?
This means that an employer will almost never beable to dock an employee's salary to recover damagesor losses which the employee causes to theemployer. Also, the employer will not easily be ableto hold an employee to account for negligence or evenintentional actions which cause the damage orlosses.
Generally, if an employer wishes to dismissan employee and end the employment relationship, theyare free to do so as long as they provide sufficient notice, or payin lieu of notice.