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Asked by: Guiseppe Torbrugge
pets veterinary medicineCan animals feel pain during animal testing?
In this manner, do animals suffer during animal testing?
Many different species are used around the world, butthe most common include mice, fish, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs,hamsters, farm animals, birds, cats, dogs, mini-pigs, andnon-human primates (monkeys, and in some countries,chimpanzees).
Then, what happens to animals during animal testing?
U.S. law allows animals to be burned, shocked,poisoned, isolated, starved, drowned, addicted to drugs, andbrain-damaged. No animals are safe fromexperimentation—primates, dogs, rats, mice, rabbits,pigs, fish, and cats are just a few of the animals who areroutinely used in these tests. You can help stopthis.
The harm that is committed against animals shouldnot be minimized because they are not considered to be "human." Inconclusion, animal testing should be eliminated because itviolates animals' rights, it causes pain and suffering tothe experimental animals, and other means of testingproduct toxicity are available.