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Asked by: Udane Pradilla
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsCan anxiety cause dry mouth and throat?
Then, can allergies cause dry mouth and throat?
As mentioned, dry mouth is a significantsideeffect of seasonal allergies– and itcausesmore than a sore throat. In fact, dry mouthcancreate many dental health problems, which is why we take itsoseriously. There are several factors when it comes todrymouth, but by far the most common causeismedication.
Likewise, people ask, what cause dry mouth and throat?
Dry mouth can be due to certain healthconditions,such as diabetes, stroke, yeast infection (thrush) inyourmouth or Alzheimer's disease, or due to autoimmunediseases,such as Sjogren's syndrome or HIV/AIDS. Snoring andbreathing withyour mouth open also can contribute to drymouth.Tobacco and alcohol use.
Dry, itchy or sore throats are a commonoccurrenceduring seasonal allergies. A dry, itchy orsorethroat can be a debilitating symptom ofseasonalallergies and is normally associated with having ablockednose.