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Asked by: Nena Vanhoutte
healthy living alternative medicineCan Apple cider vinegar make you sick?
Anecdotally, people say consuming apple cidervinegar, aka "ACV," can cause a whole bunch ofstomach issues, most notably diarrhea and nausea. And undilutedvinegar can pull water out of your intestines, causingdiarrhea.
Regarding this, what are the side effects of apple cider vinegar?
7 Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar
- Delayed Stomach Emptying.
- Digestive Side Effects.
- Low Potassium Levels and Bone Loss.
- Erosion of Tooth Enamel.
- Throat Burns.
- Skin Burns.
- Drug Interactions.
Also to know is, does apple cider vinegar upset your stomach?
Because it is very acidic, it may cause stomachdiscomfort or digestive problems. However, this is unlikely tohappen unless a person drinks a significant amount of theundiluted vinegar. Research into apple cider vinegaris limited, but some people do experience adverse sideeffects.
Nevertheless, drinking apple cider vinegar eachday can have a boost on your health, but how much shouldyou consume? Healthline advise one to two tablespoons(15-30 ml) be taken each day, mixed with water.