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Asked by: Damary Aichner
medical health heart and cardiovascular diseasesCan aspirin stop a heart attack?
Likewise, people ask, how much aspirin do you take for a heart attack?
Aspirin can help prevent heart attacksinpeople with coronary artery disease and in those who have ahigherthan average risk. Only low dose, usually just 81 aday, isneeded. But people who think they may be having anattackneed an extra 325 mg of aspirin, and they needit as quicklyas possible.
Additionally, how do you stop a heart attack immediately?
Try to keep the person calm, and have them sitorlie down. If the person is not allergic to aspirin, have themchewand swallow a baby aspirin. (It works faster when chewed andnotswallowed whole.) If the person stops breathing, you orsomeoneelse who's qualified should perform CPRrightaway.
Aspirin, which thins the blood andtherebyprevents clots, is currently used to reduce thelong-termrisks of a second stroke in patients who've had anischemicstroke. But giving aspirin to patients who'vehad ahemorrhagic stroke is considered dangerous, as itcancause more bleeding and more damage.