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Asked by: Geovanny Peak
technology and computing wearable technologyCan Bluetooth work without Internet?
Also, do you need wifi or data to use Bluetooth?
This capability is built within devices themselves, sothere's no need for any other source of datatransmission (such as a mobile or Wi-Fi network) to be used.Basically, you can use Bluetooth keyboards, mice,and, like in the picture, speakers.
Also asked, do you need Internet to use a Bluetooth speaker?
bluetooth will work the speaker butyou will need either to play music offline orto stream will need a signal from wifi or your cellcarrier.
1. “Enabling Bluetooth Kills BatteryLife” In the early days of smartphones, yes, keeping yourBluetooth switched on led to a drop in your battery life.That's because once your connection was on, it wouldactively look for devices to pair with at alltimes.