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Asked by: Nourredine Beckschroder
home and garden landscapingCan Boston ferns be planted in the ground?
Similarly, you may ask, can ferns be planted in the ground?
Today, Boston fern is still a top pick for indoor and outdoor settings. But, because Boston fern can grow 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide, it are often a better choice for outdoor situations. In zones 9-11, Boston fern can be planted directly in the ground.
Similarly one may ask, can Boston ferns survive winter?
A: Assuming you have Boston ferns on your porch, as many people do, you'll have to bring them indoors for the winter. They can not survive temperatures below 40 degrees F. Keep a pair of scissors handy to prune fronds which inevitably turn brown during the winter.
The lowest minimum temperatures for USDA zone 10 are 30 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Boston ferns die if exposed to lower temperatures. The best indoor temperature range for these voluptuous plants is between 68 and 78 F, notes Colorado State University Extension.