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Asked by: Adelardo Lizundia
family and relationships divorceCan both parents agree to stop child support?
Consequently, can both parents agree not to pay child support?
Child support belongs to a child,soparents cannot agree to waiveit—that'snot for parents to decide. Whiletypically only oneparent pays child support under acustodyorder, both parents are financiallyresponsible fortheir children.
Thereof, can you stop child support if both parents agree in Texas?
If The Parents Agree, ChildSupportCan Be Changed or Removed. Because of changes incircumstancesfor either one of the parents, the twomay havedecided to forgo payments. This can happenwhen themarital status of the custodial parentchanges, the incomeof a parent changes, or other similarkinds ofcircumstances.
A child support waiver is a court orderprovidingrelief the non-custodial parent of making back payments.Itcan only be obtained if the custodial parentagreeswaive their right to the owed support.Custodial andnon-custodial parents have reunited, living together,and sharingexpenses.