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Also, what items do Buddhist monks own?
In the Zen tradition, each monk has 4 bowls,forfood, soup, tea, and water, wrapped in a large napkin, and a setofchopsticks, a spoon, and a spatula. In Japan, this is calledanoriyoki set. The number of allowed robes varies. Of course,amonk may own glasses, a hearing aid, and such,asneeded.
Besides, are Buddhist monks allowed to marry?
Monastics in Japan are particularly exceptional intheBuddhist tradition because the monks and nunscanmarry after receiving their higher ordination. SomeKoreanmonks live with wives in their monasteries.Monks ofcertain Chinese Buddhist sects are allowedto marry,such as in historical Yunnan, Lingnan andTaiwan.
Technically, as long as it's the lay community andnotthe monks who collect the funds, then they're notbreakingany Buddhist rules by passing that cash on tothemonks if they want to.