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Asked by: Amen Zhuang
events and attractions zoos and aquariumsCan calcium carbonate be dissolved in water?
People also ask, does CaCO3 dissolve in water?
Calcium carbonate has a very low solubility inpure water (15 mg/L at 25°C), but in rainwater saturatedwith carbon dioxide, its solubility increases due to the formationof more soluble calcium bicarbonate. Calcium carbonateis unusual in that its solubility increases as the temperatureof the water decreases.
Hereof, what happens when calcium carbonate reacts water?
Calcium carbonate doesn't react with purewater, but it does react with carbonic acid, that is,water with dissolved carbon dioxide, to produce solublecalcium bicarbonate. It dissociates back to calciumcarbonate when the water is boiled, causing limescale.
It is a salt of a fairlystrong base (calcium hydroxide ) and a weak acid (carbonicacid). In aqueous solution such salts undergo hydrolysis to givefree OH- ions, and so the solution will be basic incharacter.