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Asked by: Horia Jaüreguizar
technology and computing computer peripheralsCan chromecast change HDMI input?
Keeping this in view, can chromecast change TV input?
Instead, you're watching TV or playing Xbox.WithHDMI-CEC, you can start casting to yourChromecastfrom another device, and the Chromecastwill send a signalto the TV, forcing the TV toswitch to theChromecast's input.
Additionally, how do I change the background on my chromecast?
To change your backdrop, just opentheChromecast app on your device andchoose“Backdrop” from the left. You'll thenbepresented with a set of options you can use to customizeyourdisplay. The update begins rolling out today for both AndroidandiOS, so be sure to check your respective appstores.
Steps to change the input source of the TV.
- Press the INPUT button on the supplied TV remote.
- The input source screen will be displayed on the screen oftheTV.
- Using the arrow keys, choose one of the input sources ontheinput selection screen.
- Confirm the selection by pressing the Enter button.