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Asked by: Hayet Altenhofer
home and garden indoor environmental qualityCan cinder blocks grow mold?
Mold is a type of fungus that tends to grow in areas with a lot of moisture. It tends to grow on organic matter such as wood or textiles, but it can also grow on concrete or cinder block walls. Clean it as soon as possible to help prevent its negative effects. Cinder blocks are porous and hold mold growth easily.
Similarly, how do you treat mold on cinder blocks?
Step 3: Get Rid of the Mold The best thing for removing mildew and mold from walls is a bleach/water solution. Mix one part bleach to three parts water and apply it with a sponge or rag. There are also a number of commercial solutions available at your local True Value hardware store.
Then, what kills black mold on concrete?
- Place a hose on its most powerful setting to clean off the concrete.
- Scrape off any remaining black mold with a spatula.
- Mix a solution of chlorine bleach, detergent and water.
- Apply the solution to the concrete with sponge or brush.
- Rinse off the concrete.
- Scrub the concrete and rinse again if black mold persists.
If you have a basement with cinder block walls, you might find mold growing on the cinder blocks. The visible mold might be accompanied with a strong, musty smell. It tends to grow on organic matter such as wood or textiles, but it can also grow on concrete or cinder block walls.