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Asked by: Magdaleno Moncasi
events and attractions malls and shopping centersCan civilians visit Fort Bliss?
Likewise, can civilians get on Fort Bliss?
All civilian visitors to Fort Bliss and Freedom Crossing will need to obtain a Visitor's Pass by showing valid U.S. Government Issued ID (driver's license, passport, State ID, etc.)
Also to know, is Fort Bliss open to the public?
Fort Bliss, TX - Gate Hours, Map and Status The Buffalo Soldier, Chaffee and Old Ironsides Gates are all open 0500-2100, 7 days a week; Chaffee is even open on holidays. The Sheridan Gate is for Outbound Traffic Only, open M-F, 0500-2100. The Alabama Gate is open to both traffic and pedestrians M-F, 0500-2100.
- for authorized access to Fort Bliss. All vehicles and occupants entering Fort Bliss are subject to random searches and inspections, as has always been the standard. All non-DoD persons can expect to obtain a visitor's pass at certain gates with VCC (Visitor Control Centers).