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Asked by: Joudia Zhuravov
music and audio kids and family podcastsCan Clorox wipes bleach your clothes?
Also to know is, do Clorox wipes have bleach?
Description. 35 wipes come in a container, although larger containers are also available. The wipes kill several types of bacteria in 30 seconds. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes do not contain chlorine bleach, which makes them less likely to damage surfaces.
Similarly one may ask, do Lysol wipes bleach clothes?
Lysol® cleaning wipes even kill Salmonella and E. coli. Because our cleaning wipes are bleach-free, you can even use them on your electronics. Our unwashed smartphones and computer keyboard harbor a ton of nasty germs.
Don't ever use Clorox wipes on skin. Clorox's sanitizing claims are based on using the wipes as directed on hard and soft surfaces, not human skin.