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Also asked, can crowns close gaps?
The gap has been closed by placingdentalcrowns. In regard to closing in the toothgap,the idea is that the dental crowns for the twoteeth framingthis space are made wider, so when they are placed thegapis filled in. The dentist and patient would have todecide if thattradeoff is worth the risk.
One may also ask, can a gap be closed without braces?
There is a gap between your side teeth andfrontteeth only In this situation the best solution is to restorethemto their proper size, which will rebalance theproportionsof your smile. This is best done using cosmetic bonding(anon-invasive procedure) and can be done in as little as30minutes by a dentist.
Treatment of a diastema Braces have wires and brackets that put pressureonteeth and slowly move them together, which closesagap. If you don't want braces, talk to your doctoraboutcosmetic procedures to fill gaps between yourteeth.Veneers or bonding is anotheroption.