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Accordingly, can dogs eat honey roasted nuts?
It is okay if your dog has a honeyroastedpeanut or two. But, keep in mind that honey roastedpeanutsare high in fat and can cause conditions suchasgastroenteritis if taken in large quantities. Not just that,somedogs are allergic to peanuts and can evenhavea life-threatening allergic reaction.
Besides, can you give dogs almonds?
The short answer is no, dogs can'teatalmonds, even though your dog may have eatenanalmond or two in the past and felt fine.Whilealmonds aren't likely to be toxic, they aren't handledwellby dogs' digestive systems and cancauseobstructions. Here's what you should knowaboutalmonds and dogs.
What to Do If Your Dog EatsAlmonds.If your dog consumes one or twoalmonds, don'tpanic. Instead, watch him carefully for signsof intestinaldistress or obstruction. If your dogdevours morethan a few almonds, call your veterinarian orlocalemergency veterinarian for professional advice.