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In this way, can alcohol make your throat sore?
Your throat burns and your stomachhurts. That's because the excess alcohol hasinflamed both your esophageal and stomach lining. Youmay even have diarrhea thanks to the fact that yourbowels are having trouble re-absorbing water after first beingexposed to all that alcohol.
Just so, how does alcohol affect the esophagus?
Exposure of the esophagus and stomach toalcohol may cause direct damage to esophagealand gastric mucosae. In addition, toxic acetaldehyde metalized fromalcohol could affect the function of theesophagus and stomach.
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of mouthcancer, pharyngeal (upper throat) cancer,oesophageal (food pipe) cancer, laryngeal (voice box)cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer and livercancer. Some of these might be quite surprising butalcohol gets in to our blood stream and can causedamage all around the body.