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Asked by: Salimou Monrabal
medical health skin and dermatologyCan eczema be spread by scratching?
Also, why does eczema spread when you scratch it?
However, having eczema may expose the skintobacterial, viral, or fungal infections, which can spreadtoother parts of the body or to others through skin-to-skincontact.Dry, cracking skin creates an entryway for foreigninvaders.Scratching itchy eczema patches canalsointroduce infection.
Herein, how do I stop my eczema from spreading?
- Moisturize frequently.
- Avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity.
- Avoid sweating or overheating.
- Reduce stress.
- Avoid scratchy materials, such as wool.
- Avoid harsh soaps, detergents, and solvents.
- Be aware of any foods that may cause an outbreak and avoidthosefoods.
Researchers have discovered a cause of the dry,inflamedand itchy skin that plagues eczema patients.Medicalresearchers have now shown that an immune systemskewedtoward allergy alters the lipids in the skin. It ischaracterizedby patches of itchy, dry and cracked skin, which canprofoundlyimpact patients' lives.