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Asked by: Urko Loizaga
medical health infectious diseasesCan Enterobacter aerogenes utilize citrate?
Keeping this in consideration, is Enterobacter aerogenes indole positive?
Klebsiella aerogenes, previously known as Enterobacter aerogenes, is a Gram-negative, oxidase negative, catalase positive, citrate positive, indole negative, rod-shaped bacterium. aerogenes is a nosocomial and pathogenic bacterium that causes opportunistic infections including most types of infections.
Thereof, does E coli utilize citrate?
It can also grow anaerobically by fermenting citrate. However, it cannot grow aerobically on citrate because it does not produce a transporter protein when oxygen is present that can bring the citrate into the cell. E. coli does have a citrate transporter called CitT, but it is only expressed when no oxygen is present.
These bacteria ferment lactose, are motile, and form mucoid colonies. Enterobacter strains commonly arise from the endogenous intestinal flora of hospitalized patients but can occur in common source outbreaks or are spread from patient to patient.