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Asked by: Velislava Borrazas
technology and computing computer peripheralsCan Fax be intercepted?
Besides, is sending a fax secure?
Documents sent by fax are able to be consideredlegally binding, especially if they contain a physical or digitalsignature. While traditional faxing often uses unsecuredphone lines, electronic faxes are encrypted using asecure and reliable system to protect yourdata.
In this manner, is it safe to fax SSN?
Fax Social Security number. However, the carbonribbons on some thermal fax machines do keep copies of allinformation that passes through the machine. Also, if you'resending it to a busy office, there's a chance it will go to thewrong person. If you can, phoning in the SSN is probably thesecurest option.
Email hacking is a much more common occurrence than thehacking of telephone lines, which are used to transmitfaxes. Online fax services have securityfeatures that allow you to safely send and receive faxesonline. SSL Encryption. One way your online faxes arekept safe is with SSL encryption.