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Asked by: Millerlandy Nijegorodov
technology and computing smartphonesCan feature phones access Internet?
Simply so, how does a phone access the Internet?
Mobile phones connect to a cell tower in thearea,and instead of connecting to another phone it connectsto theInternet and can fetch or retrieve data. AWirelessAccess Point enables sharing an Internetconnectionby letting several computers wirelessly shareInternetaccess through a single connection.
Considering this, is there a phone with no Internet access?
Internet access is usually included in moderncellphones. However, if you can't get a cell phone withnointernet access, you can always turn internet accessoffby adjusting your phone's settings. Before you buy acellphone, ask the salesperson for a guarantee thatthephone does not offer internetaccess.
Smartphones, such as iPhones and Androidphones,are basically small, handheld computers withbuilt-inphones, GPS, and cameras. Most smartphonesuse twodifferent technologies to access theInternet--thecellular network you subscribe to, suchas Verizon orAT&T, and plain old, regular Wi-Fi.