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Asked by: Ramos Heinrichsbauer
pets fish and aquariumsCan goldfish live in a pond without filter?
Also asked, can fish survive in a pond without a filter?
It is possible, but a fish pond needs oxygen for the fish to survive. As oxygen levels are so vital to the wellbeing of your fish, a bubble stone or waterfall will also help to bring oxygen to your pond. It is possible to keep a fish pond without a filter, with regular doses of Aquaplancton.
Keeping this in view, can goldfish live in a pond without a pump?
A Pond without filters and pumps are quite hard to maintain, much harder than if you have those things. However, that being said, goldfish may be able to survive in pond water without a pump, but there are various factors to consider, and various steps you will need to take if you want to make this work.
Follow our 7 tips below to help keep your pond water clean!
- Maintain a healthy fish population.
- Don't over-feed your fish.
- Create a proper balance of plants.
- Choose the right size pump for your pond.
- Clean debris from pond before it has a chance to decay.
- Choose proper filtration for your pond.