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Asked by: Kabira Begander
personal finance government support and welfareCan I apply for welfare online in California?
Besides, how can I get on welfare California?
You can call HICAP at 1-800-434-0222 or visit the HICAPwebsite. If you need assistance with Medi-Cal and have adisability, you can contact Disability Rights California at1-800-776-5746 or visit their website. You may also be able to gethelp with Medi-Cal from a local legal aidorganization.
Also know, how much does welfare pay in California?
California: Pays out one of the highest maximummonthly cash grants to the average family on welfare,$638.
Your local Department of SocialServices (DSS) cannot restrict who lives with you. This means thatif your boyfriend lives with you and you havechildren together, both your income and your boyfriend'sincome will be used to determine your benefits.