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Asked by: Ginesa Akrach
technology and computing social networkingCan I call Mexico with MetroPCS?
People also ask, can I use Metro PCS internationally?
MetroPCS does not operate internationally, but it partners with other phone services. Your service provider can provide additional information about roaming during travel. For more information about using your phone in a specific country, contact MetroPCS.
Keeping this in consideration, does MetroPCS charge for international texting?
Metro's $10 Global Voice 100 Minutes: $10 Global Voice 100 Minutes Service requires a $30 rate plan or higher. $10 Global Voice 100 Minutes international phone calls and unlimited text messages are limited to selected countries, destinations, technologies, and carriers, which are subject to change without notice.
When dialing from the U.S.:
- To call landlines, dial 011+ 52 + area code + phone number.
- To call cell phones, dial 011 + 521 + area code + number.